Monday, July 29, 2013

My Girl

My girl is growing up. I can't believe the difference in just the few weeks since I last saw her. She's talking up a storm, understands pretty much everything I say to her, has the cutest little personality that just bubbles over and is FINALLY saying my name. I'm "Tee." That is the part that comes out when you ask her to say "Auntie." So last night it was "Tee" this and "Tee" that. I think she figured out that if she said my name in her sweet little voice, she'd get whatever she wanted :-) Theo-boy is a doll baby, too, but I couldn't get any pictures of him yesterday. Every one I took was either blurry or he wasn't looking at the camera. So this post will be about Baby Girl, I guess. She woke from her nap first, so we did her nails before Bubba woke up. (BTW, Auntie chose her clothes and did her hair! I found the clothes Momma set out for her after she was already dressed. I love piggy-tails on little girls and she sat so still while I played with her. My own live doll!) We painted our nails the same color and put white dot-dots over the blue polish. I painted flowers on MJs thumbs and my toes. Look at her, sitting so nice and still.

Showing me her nails. See how they match her outfit?

Blowing bubbles

Coloring a picture for Auntie

Putting together a puzzle while Bubba swings contentedly in the background

Counting to ten

My beautiful nail art

I read this on a Savvy Auntie website:
All the ways that aunties interact with their young "nieces and nephews":  playing alongside them, reading to them, baking cookies with them, playing ball outdoors, even bathing them or changing that dirty diaper — can be critical to their cognitive, social, and emotional development and future academic successes. Whether or not we realize it, we’re teaching them language, science, math, and social skills simply through play. In fact aunties (uncles, grandparents) may be one of the few adults in a child's life who can provide that playful early education because our visits are set aside to spend uninterrupted time doing just that. And the best part is that it works whether or not we realize it. They know they are safe with us, physically and emotionally, and that we will always do our best to inspire them to be their best. It must be added that the way they run toward us, jumping up and down with excitement, when we come to visit them is the very best feeling on earth.

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